Luna: Cute! am I really that cute?
Nemo: Imps are pretty cute individuals, and they also have a ridiculous life span of 1000 years
Luna: That’s quite a long life for them
Nemo: says the timeless alicorn
Luna: I see your point
Nemo: Though what comes with that is very poor fertility rate. Some Imps try everyday for hundreds of years with no success
Luna: really? I kind of wish that were true for me
Nemo: It would make it difficult for you when yo actually want a child. even magic doesn’t work
Luna: What about your baby pills?
Nemo: Baby maker pills, and.. yes they would always work
Luna: Then I would have nothing to worry about
Nemo: You shouldn’t be relying on my technology Luna. If anything were to happen to me you could be completely cut off. That’s why I don’t just hand the pills over to every Imp because they need to solve their problem on their own.
Luna: I understand, but it is nice to know I can count on you when I’m in need
Nemo: Same here, Whelp let’s change you over to something elsescie