The top left kinda has a secret reason as to why Chaos and Moon have solumn looks on their faces even though they have the cutest thing napping on them. North absolutely loves Blue moon and Chaotic.
Do you really want to get him involved…? He’s still so young.
But he has so much power.. It would be a waste..
A waste of a life. We don’t need him involved..
Blue Moon and Evening Skies reaaally don’t like one another. It’s stemmed from their foalhood days where Evening at first was jealous that Blue Moon was better than him at magic and bullied him but grew out of that, but Blue Moon never liked him after that and they never got along. But they never told their mothers about it.
Honeycrisp was bullied! Bring out the defense squad!!
Who was once named Dylis is now Mirror Gleam, son of Mirror Sombra and Celestia. and then a LunaxTempest bab who doesn’t have a name yet. It is important to remember that this bab was conceived through magical means and Tempest carried her. Because Luna isn’t able to conceive anymore.
Return of Moonlight Constellation and Night Light! The brother sister pair that I created so long ago! Though you can only see Night Light’s head, its enough to tell. It was mentioned before that they were adopted by Fluttershy after Moonlight admitted to her other adoptive parents that she liked another mare and fearing that he would be homosexual or something like Moonlight, they dumped them into fostercare. but Moonlight was just barely young enough and the day before she aged out and lost track of her little brother, Fluttershy adopted them.
Remember how I said “anymore” when i said she is unable to conceive. During the time before Tirek attacked Equestria, Luna had two children. A filly, barely old enough to toddle around on her own, and a newborn foal to which she sent away in hopes that they would be protected. After everything was rebuilt and they were sure all was safe, Luna could never find her children again. She did not know that they had been taken in by another family at that point because of a mixup. She had not told anyone who the foals were when they were hidden, few in Equestria even knew she had children because she wanted to keep them safe and a secret. Upon seeing the birthmarks that were inmistakable littering the pegasus’ back and wings, she knew just who theses children Fluttershy had adopted were… But she did not intervene as she did not want to tear them away from no doubt, the first stable home they had in a long time.. They would know eventually..
I thought ‘Heck! they look like her, a lot! I can make this work…” So yeah! these two are Luna’s foals and ever since then, she has been unable to maintain a healthy pregnancy since!
I had fun with these.