Viewing last 25 versions of comment by infinita est lux Solis on image #1632819

infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
What's worse is that it's an H.E.A.T round, it fires a stream of molten copper into the target, melting through the armor and sometimes coming out the other side, burning anything it touches on the way through.
No reason given
Edited by infinita est lux Solis
infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
What's worse is that it's an H.E.A.T round, it bitterly fires a stream of molten copper into the target, melting through the armor and sometimes coming out the other side, burning anything it touches.
No reason given
Edited by infinita est lux Solis
infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
What's worse is that it's an H.E.A.T round, it bitterly fires a stream of molten copper into the target, melting through the armor and sometimes coming out the other side, burning anything it touches.
No reason given
Edited by infinita est lux Solis