Parents: Fluttershy and Big Mac.
Personality: Decisive, Stubborn and Chill/Relaxed all at once, Seems like she would be quiet but talks quite a bit (Mostly to herself), very honest.
Likes: Flowers, gardening, mud, worms (not to eat), bees, her grandparents love story (pear butter and bright mac), taking slow walks in the morning though the apple farm, getting up early, vegetables and fruits.
Dislikes: Garden pests, wasps, ponies as stubborn as her, ponies picking on her brother Bright Posy, going to bed late, hayburgers or horseshoe fries (fast food).
Job: She sells seeds and saplings.
Age: 23 | Stage: Adult
Gender: Female | Sex: Female
Sibling(s): Bright Posy