Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #5E27 on image #1556129

Background Pony #5E27
"[@Matt Reverse":](/1556129#comment_6578382
Sirens were incorporated very subtly and carefully, so that's a viewers who never seen or heard of EQG wouldn't even beat an eye.
Not _*everything_* is a 'fair game'. I can guarantee that EQG character won't suddenly appear in the show out of nowhere, expecting viewer to know who it is, what he did, and why we should care about him. It's almost impossible to do that subtly.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5E27
Background Pony #5E27
"@Matt Reverse":/1556129#comment_6578382
Sirens were incorporated very subtly and carefully, so that's a viewers who never seen or heard of EQG wouldn't even bet an eye.
Not _everything_ is a 'fair game'. I can guarantee that EQG character won't suddenly appear in the show out of nowhere, expecting viewer to know who it is, what he did, and why we should care about him. It's almost impossible to do that subtly.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5E27
Background Pony #5E27
"@Matt Reverse":/1556129#comment_6578382
Sirens were incorporated very subtly and carefully, so that's a viewers who never seen or heard of EQG wouldn't even bet an eye.
Not _everything_ is a 'fair game'. I can guarantee that EQG character won't suddenly appear out of nowhere, expecting viewer to know who it is, what he did, and why we should care about him. It's almost impossible to do that subtly.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5E27