Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #FF70 on image #1484900

Background Pony #FF70
""[@Dustcan":](/1484900#comment_6368410): Nightmare Moon didn't create the Nightmare Forces. Nightmare Moon IS the Nightmare Forces. Again, if Luna created Nightmare Moon, then where does the black mist that engulfs her come from? Don't forget, we see that same black mist engulfing Rarity, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that the black mist in question is Nightmare Moon's true form. Not to mention, upon arriving on the moon, Nightmare Moon, whilst in Luna's body, treats it like it was no big deal, implying that banishment to the moon happened to it before.

That, combined with the Anugypt imagery, and the black mist, tells me that Nightmare Moon existed before Luna was born, and Anubis was its vessel. But then Baast, taking Sweetie's advice to heart, manages to defeat Anubis, probably not knowing that he was possessed, and exorcised him. Baast and her friends notice the mist and try to contain it by sending it where very few organisms can reach: The Moon. However, at some point, Nightmare Moon reached out to Luna, who was in turn tricked into breaking the seal (hence why the solar eclipse we see looks very sinister), and later possessed (explaining the black mist that engulfs Luna). How some people fail to piece this together is beyond me.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #FF70
Background Pony #FF70
""@Dustcan":/1484900#comment_6368410: Nightmare Moon didn't create the Nightmare Forces. Nightmare Moon IS the Nightmare Forces. Again, if Luna created Nightmare Moon, then where does the black mist that engulfs her come from? Don't forget, we see that same black mist engulfing Rarity, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that the black mist in question is Nightmare Moon's true form. Not to mention, upon arriving on the moon, Nightmare Moon, whilst in Luna's body, treats it like it was no big deal, implying that banishment to the moon happened to it before.

That, combined with the Anugypt imagery, and the black mist, tells me that Nightmare Moon existed before Luna was born, and Anubis was its vessel. But then Baast, taking Sweetie's advice to heart, manages to defeat Anubis, probably not knowing that he was possessed, and exorcised him. Baast and her friends notice the mist and try to contain it by sending it where very few organisms can reach: The Moon. However, at some point, Nightmare Moon reached out to Luna, who was in turn tricked into breaking the seal (hence why the solar eclipse we see looks very sinister), and later possessed (explaining the black mist that engulfs Luna). How some people fail to piece this together is beyond me.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #FF70