Swamp ass thing
Nightmare Ned
teenage tattoo alien fighters from beverly hills
nilus the sandman
Skeleton warriors
legend quest
street fighters
bonus gif
Location in the source
Times will be fri 5/19 4pm pst/ 7pm est/ 11:59 pm gmt
No, they did it in 3 months and 1 week. :p
Kidding, but yes, 3 months.
Really? They managed to air that many in just 3 months?
it’s about boy who suffers from severe anxiety and they manifest in his dreams and he has to deal with them. pretty fucking real for a cartoon from the 90’s
It had 40.
Huh, so I actully didn’t miss any episodes of it. XD
it also only got five episode. it aired on halloween and lasted for about six months.
Yep, there was, and it used the most lazy parody version of “Wild Thing” for it’s opening, they just changed “wild” to “swamp”.
Also, I had no idea that there was a Swamp Thing cartoon.