NOTE: Please don’t flood the comments with ‘this is how she should have looked’, because I have an important announcement; I don’t want to talk about what’s been done wrong by your standards and I don’t care. I’m really sorry to say that I just don’t want to discuss things like that. So, would you kindly keep those to yourself?
Aria Blaze is the smallest of the Sirens, in height and weight, intentionally designed to look sharp and pointed. Her design is the idealized beauty of Pegasi, lithe and sharp and fast, pointed and having extra fins compared to the other three, more in line with the Pegasi and their wings. The spots on her upper half are much sharper and squared than either of her peers, and her eyes are very clearly pointed, her nose elongated and her body is mostly straight lines (in a sense) with the sharpness intended for her snarky and small appearance compared to the other two. Her pupils are the longest and thinnest, just like her body is. Instead of the standard singular fin with the other’s manes, she has two to match her pigtails. Her scale flecks are colored like the dots on her pants, as is her lower half in general. Her finned webbing is the colors of her main jacket, her stockings in the finale song, both her boots from the two outfits she had. Her gem center is the color of the stars holding up her pigtails, and the design and colors are based on her cutie mark
Aria is the Ego of the group, the most realistic and goal focused of the three, she’s also the middle dog, which is much more infuriating to her because she realizes it. Sonata may be lower on the totem pole, but she’s far too rock stupid to care, and Sonata’s failings reflect on Aria negatively, as Adagio is trusting her to keep Sonata in line. She is the smallest and she knows it; if the three didn’t require their voices to remain in harmony to summon magic, she knows she would be the first to go. Sonata has impulse control issues and an insatiable appetite, so she would take the chance if she saw it. Adagio would crush her just out of dominance, so she ends up in the middle of two situations with a bad end. She definitely wishes to be in charge, but she also knows that it’s not going to work.
I’m personally ambivalent towards Aria, lacking the screentime that the other two have, and her fanbase isn’t mind numbingly Draco in Leather Pants’ing her enough to make me dislike her, so… meh. Design wise, I find her my favorite, though.