Foal Name: Kimberlite (A type of rock…=3)
Age: 1 1/2 years (At the moment lol)
Gender: Stallion
Personality: So far takes after both his parents personalities, very shy around the others and is a big mama’s boy, enjoying spending a lot of time with his mom. He works hard like his father, always trying to lend out some help whenever it is needed, and enjoying learning from his dad. Still as just a little foal, he can barely do anything to help but still enjoys starting early. Mac and Marble were going to send him to school when he was older, but aren’t sure as Kimberlite seems really nervous about seeing a bunch of strangers when he’s older. Despite Kimberlite’s shy and very calm/quiet personality, the visits from his aunt Pinkie and her two foals, they’re crazy side seemed to have rubbed off on him a bit and now he can be a bit insane sometimes. Although his crazy side he tends to only show when he’s around his mom, dad, uncles, aunts, and grandponies.
Other: Like his mom and dad, Kimberlite tends to only speak one word when talking “Uhuh,” when agreeing and “uh uh” when disagreeing. The dark strand of hair on his mane is on the right side, and on his tail it’s on the left side.