Going back and doing these again. Here’s the results
1: 63
2: 80
3: 16
I’m going with jappleack, I literally read the comic yesterday, so I’ve got her on my mind now
There’re so many things that make it so I can’t honestly choose in that selection (ie I’m neither a gerontophile nor a pedophile, I definitely don’t want to have to deal with a pissed Mando, and on top of that I’m gay)
Reroll time :
93 who’s this ?
87 baby dragon RD
68 Little Strongheart
1: 63
2: 80
3: 16
I’m going with jappleack, I literally read the comic yesterday, so I’ve got her on my mind now
2 spike
85: dragon rarity
Fuck it, i can divide my time between them. I can go out on different days
38 Wild Fire
18 Scootaloo
There’re so many things that make it so I can’t honestly choose in that selection (ie I’m neither a gerontophile nor a pedophile, I definitely don’t want to have to deal with a pissed Mando, and on top of that I’m gay)
Reroll time :
93 who’s this ?
87 baby dragon RD
68 Little Strongheart
Second reroll :
63 Silver Spoon
37 Flitter
41 Pony Joe
Sure, gimme Joe
I Choose…….Applejack
I’ll pick Roseluck.
I choose Lotus
Gilda, being the only girl of the three.
PinkiePiePinkiePiePinkiePie!!!! <3
i’ll pick fleur de lis
I’m not gay so i’ll pick lotus
I choose Aloe! Maybe I can meet up with Lotus too :)
Fluttershy, I pick Fluttershy.
I go for Spitfire.
Dusk Shine
Steven Magnet.
….I’ll go with Dusk.
Fleur wins by default because, I’m not gay.
Fluttershy <-
cup cake breaburn, or some gold thing
ill take the gold thing
umm…i lose?
83 - Dragon AJ
08 - Shining Armor
I think I’ll go with Chrysalis.
56 (Soarin)
87 (Rainbow Dash as a dragon)
… Well, that sort of narrows it down. Blossomforth it is. Heard she was flexible anyway.