The little pony rushes over to the spears she sees leaning against a wall and drags one over to the broken stairs. The spears are very big and cumbersome but they seem familiar somehow. Like something she’s not fond but something familiar to her all the same.
Shaking any possible sentiment the filly pushes a barrel to the broken stairs and spends some time tossing the rope and spear up.
The spear, gives her a bit of trouble so she eventually decides to place it on the stairs as she hoists herself up.
It seems like the racket she caused by tossing the spear up and pushing the barrel caught the attention of the thing from downstairs as the music resumes and begins to follow her once again.
Eventually the filly manages to get the spear upstairs, but in the process drops her lantern. The room she climbs into is dark and she can hear what sounds like whispering coming from all around.