A moment later it was silent again, at least from the speaker, as the commotion could now be heard outside the door to his suite. One last look out the window gave him enough time to see a few Baltimare Guardsponies cut power to the building. As soon as the lights went out the door was broken off its hinges, nearly crushing the stallion as it flew in. He could hear a pony slowly enter, but he didn’t use his horn to generate light in case it attracted unwanted attention. “Where are my guards?” he asked, hoping against hope that one would answer him. “What’s going on?”
“Your guards are all dead,” came a voice from near the window. The stallion turned and saw a single yellow eye, seemingly reptilian, floating there, reflecting what little light there was. A moment later a lightning strike lit the room, revealing one of the new guardsponies, left eye covered with a patch and his mouth dripping with blood, before the room went dark again. “And you will be next.”
The next time the lightning stuck was the last thing the kingpin saw, and that was this beast pouncing at him with his mouth wide open and sharp fangs ready for the kill…
The artist can be found here; http://taintable.deviantart.com/
Also, nice artwork. I love the touch with the lightning.