“The dimensions walls of Equestria start to break and their residents start to found creatures they never seen before”
I want to draw both of them for a while now. Two new bird type creature from two new season of my favorite cartoon and game. Gabby of My Little Pony Season 6 and Decidueye of Pokemon Sun/Moon! >w<
2 Naughty Continues (Female Griffon X Male Decidueye) can be found early on my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/vavacung
sweet cant wait to see how the signature Z moves for Primarina and Incineroar is like. (wont spoil with youtube)
Litten is a cute kitten meow and i wonder how cute Vavacung can make Incineroar and Primarina :)
Yes, actually.
Meanwhile, I, myself, chose Litten.
Malicious Moonsault is beast!
and its cool for a Grass/Ghost type and boy the Sinister Arrow Rain Z move hits like a truck and awesome to look at.
i picked Rowlet as my starter who was female which i bred with a Wingull which i traded lvl1 Rowlets for poplio and Litten.
hmm is it possible to get the Z crystals for the other starters that you didnt pick?
I chose Litten, myself.