The pony taps his mask in thought. Emerald waits a few moments and then asks what happened to all the ponies in the village.
Lady Elegance springs up as high as she can go in the small room and says, “Master Sepulcher will be asking the questions, prisoner!”
Emerald cowers, and the masked pony raises a shriveled hoof.
The undead construct relents, and goes back to her corner.
“And why was that ship running from the Navy?” The pony named Sepulcher asks.
Emerald says they were running because they stole some war booty back from them. Zebra artifacts that didn’t belong to them.
“So, Pirates then.” The pony says as his eyes glow brighter and he shifts his half-spear, half-scepter to his other shoulder, “And what was a colt doing on a pirate ship?”
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