“I’m a pretty good client, and a family friend of Kpangbah. I knew his father pretty well. If you know what I mean.” Joyride says, elbowing Emerald, who rolls his eyes, “We met in Ziger. That’s kind of in the middle of the Zebra lands, and one of the bigger provinces there. Economically that is.”
Emerald nods, though now that he thinks on it, he isn’t exactly clear on zebra geography. He’ll have to remember to look it up sometime.
Glancing around, Emerald asks about the white bricks in the storage.
“Why you little snoop!” Joyride says with a wide grin, “I can tell by the way you are asking me that you know what those are. If any authorities pop by make sure not to say anything about them. Not that they’ll ask you probably. That goes for you too Ruby!”
Ruby turns suddenly towards them. She was apparently only pretending to look off the side of the ship, and nods in agreement to the silence.
Emerald asks if there is anyway he can practice doing magic missiles without blowing holes in the ship.
“Yeah. Like I said it only affects animate objects. If it hits anything else the spell just fizzles away.” Joyride says, “Just find some pest on the ship to snipe, or something.”
Emerald then walks over to Ruby and asks if she wants to learn to read any today.
“Sure! Can we do it right now?” Ruby says smiling.
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