Celestia’s makeup and squeaky nose don’t come off and it’s been years since she was able to cross a room without a pratfall, sit without a whoopie cushion noise, or even pronounce her name without it sounding like “Silly Jestia”, but Nightmare Moon has been defeated and she has her laughing, fun loving sister Luna Looney Lulu back
In Equestria, the royal pony sisters are striped of their titles and are readused to being clowns and must find a way to regain control of their land from King Discord of Chaos World.
Excellent description. I think Silly Jestia is truly happier with this new, silly life of hers.
LunaLooney Lulu backCelestia:Luna, we are Princess not actors.
In Equestria, the royal pony sisters are striped of their titles and are readused to being clowns and must find a way to regain control of their land from King Discord of Chaos World.