Rarity: Oh, goodness where do I begin? I was born and raised here for as long as I can remember. I had a talent for dresses so I became a fashion designer. I’ve done things for school plays, proms, Halloween costumes, sets, decorations and even football teams…that last one was a silly mistake. small, embarrassed face
I could say I was every teen you could imagine but my high school years were certainly a changing factor in my life. Meeting Twilight Sparkle and getting my friends back together after someone outside our group manipulated us was the best part of it. And things got even crazier but I think I might spend too much time on high school so I’ll move on.
As soon as I graduated from Canterlot High I went to college to get a degree in Fashion Design and soon opened up my first Boutique here in this town. It feels like just yesterday when I cut the opening ceremony ribbon to it. But it would pale in comparison to when I met my hubby. <3 He’s the kind of gentlemen that you wouldn’t expect, in fact he started an awful lot like you; shy quiet, but as soon as he opened up I fell deeply in love with him. Push came to shove, he asked me to marry him and here I am now heavily pregnant with our first child…oh my, I may have carried on for too long. You still awake, sweety?