Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General)

Duck - 100+ images under their artist tag

Yes, the shooters are undoubtedly evil, but the US gun owners, gun manufacturers, and Republican lawmakers who enable such shootings are just as, if not more evil as well.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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If fascism is wanting to go back to a past that never actually existed, then both democrats and republicans are guilty of that to some degree. That’s not to say they are fascists, but it demonstrates that fascism can come from either side. It’s why I get annoyed whenever rightoids say that leftists as a whole are the same as fascists, or when leftists say all conservatives are fascists.
Background Pony #0E9C
If fascism is wanting to go back to a past that never actually existed, then both democrats and republicans are guilty of that to some degree. That’s not to say they are fascists, but it demonstrates that fascism can come from either side. It’s why I get annoyed whenever rightoids say that leftists as a whole are the same as fascists, or when leftists say all conservatives are fascists.
^ He’s right, you know.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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I understand we disagree on something like 2A and the legislation around firearms but to compare that to the systematic execution of jews, gypsies, political dissidents, and others, only serves to downplay the atrocities that the nazis committed. It’s not to say the US is infallible, but it’s important that comparisons to the nazis are appropriate, lest it become meaningless.
Background Pony #0E9C
it’s important that comparisons to the nazis are appropriate, lest it become meaningless.
And in this case, the specific comparison you’re referring to is not appropriate, let alone at all meaningful, if I’m not correct?
Background Pony #0E9C
Yes, the shooters are undoubtedly evil, but the US gun owners, gun manufacturers, and Republican lawmakers who enable such shootings are just as, if not more evil as well.
Definitely a massive, overly-generalizing and insanely over-exaggerated reach, if I’d ever seen one.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

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That, and it’s attitudes like that which will cause the democrats to get demolished in the midterms.
I’ve seen conservatives (and conservative-adjacent people) suggest that the Roe v. Wade thing combined with both the Buffalo and this recent shooting will shore up the democrats going into the midterms, but I disagree. The reason I disagree is because people vote in accordance to their material conditions, especially when thing are either getting harder, or are at least perceived to be getting harder. Unless Biden pulls a Nixon and enacts price-freezes or at the very least tries to get inflation under control and drop the price of fuel, it won’t matter how much the democrats bluster about guns and abortion rights, because people won’t be voting for them.
Duck - 100+ images under their artist tag

IDK about that, the Democrats are losing momentum in this country because they’re not strong enough. They think they can peacefully negotiate with a terrorist/extremist party and its equally violent voter base. And they’ve proven themselves to be weak in the face of Republican attacks. Even President Biden is being viewed unfavorably by gun control advocates because he isn’t doing shit. The way things are going, calls for peaceful protest and nonviolence are useless when you consider how dangerous the opposition is.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

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A very provisional yes to all your points, but when the opposition has all the guns and the momentum, shouldn’t your side want guns too in order get them to respect you? Will electing better democrats solve the problem? Indulge me: what is the solution as you see it?
Duck - 100+ images under their artist tag

Well for starters Democrats could go to the UN and ask for their help in going door to door confiscating guns from all those terrorists. If they’re so crazy about fighting government agents, then let them have it.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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So, a couple points regarding gun control:
First, I’m convinced nothing short of a civil war will bring meaningful firearm regulations to the US. Second, I will not support any gun control plan that does not also disarm and demilitarize the police at the same time. Further, any such plan would require the decriminalization of minorities, queerfolk, and leftist groups.
Background Pony #0E9C
Deletion reason: Rule #0 - Please try to make your point less antagonistically, and without personally attacking others.
Background Pony #0E9C
So, a couple points regarding gun control:
First, I’m convinced nothing short of a civil war will bring meaningful firearm regulations to the US.
We do NOT need another civil war. That said, I’m fine with there being modest yet reasonable enough background checks for anyone who doesn’t have any remotely suspicious criminal, medical, and psychiatric records over the age of 18, for any gun, and stringent regulations for anyone ages 15/16 to 18 for any gun, as well. Anyone above the age of 10/12 to 14 will be prohibited from gaining any access to any firearm without the 24/7 presence of and approval of qualified parental, guardian, or adult supervision.
Second, I will not support any gun control plan that does not also disarm and demilitarize the police at the same time.
Fair enough, regarding demilitarization, but absolutely not regarding actual full-scale disarmament, and this is to be absolutely non-negotiable, unless the entire population of the United States, save for the on-duty military, completely relinquishes all firearms and lethal or potentially lethal weapons and improvised weapons alongside all law enforcement agencies—and yes, this unquestionably and automatically fully applies to absolutely everyone and every group within all three of the categories of people you have outlined in your third point, below, no exceptions:
Further, any such plan would require the decriminalization of minorities, queerfolk, and leftist groups.
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