I get that millennials feel betrayed and abandoned by and dealt a shit hand and all of that stuff but…
But DAMN I didn’t know revenge fantasy manga is such a goddamn popular genre. Are they really that cathartic?
Berserk’s lucky enough to have had the chance to really flesh out the backstory as to WHY Guts is such a vengeful mofo but we are always constantly reminded that, you know, vengeance is self destructive, even when it may provide closure. Guts throughout his journey has now aged so much, he looks at least 32yo despite being only 22yo. And he’s at the point where he can’t taste food anymore. Skull Knight, a kind of mentor figure always always reminds him that the path he’s on will lead to nothing good, speaking from his personal experience.
Meanwhile other new isekai / rpg fantasy immediately just gives you “here’s your innocent relatable protag, here’s your backstabbing antagonist, now watch your protag rape debase mutilate humiliate the antagonist as payback and you gonna support him 100%”