The Nerd Thread (comics, movies, anime, cartoons, video games, lore, fun stuff, ect.)

Background Pony #AB08
I hereby crhisten this the Kamala Khan is great and Frank Miller sucks thread
Never has the term “Ascended Fangirl” been more apropos. Also, that exchange is absolutely delightful, and I have newfound determination to acquaint myself with this series.
Silly question… has she ever teamed up with Squirrel Girl? Or met her? Given her personality, I feel like that is a thing that needs to happen.
Also, if we’re going to discuss terrible people associated with comics, why not Rob Liefeld? Frank Miller just makes for sad and depressing conversations. Rob, on the other hand, has bequeathed us so many ways to laugh and question his tenuous grasp of what a human is supposed to look like.
Background Pony #AB08
Well, I guess Rob was a worse person than I thought. So much for that idea then.
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