Ask the mods anything


Senior Moderator
Youtube shows you things related to what you frequently view so….. no. It mostly shows me science videos and political commentary.
Yeah, a lot of what I get is either Science! or … well … Whiskey Blues. I wonder what Google is trying to tell me.


Senior Moderator
@Goku Black
I mean … suck can be good. Like, sometimes a White Castle is exactly what the doctor ordered. And I used to survive on $10 worth of ekiben from the orange court in 新阿川 train station on the way home every night.
I mean … suck can be good. Like, sometimes a White Castle is exactly what the doctor ordered. And I used to survive on $10 worth of ekiben from the orange court in 新阿川 train station on the way home every night.
It sucked so hard it was actually really good. And it went with everything else a salaryman job entails. Which, for the most part, is beer and lots of it.
I suspect, but can’t prove, that there’s a little Salmonella in every box, just to make sure that everyone feels and looks their best at work the next day, and drinks heartily all night.


OC maker
Aw man they all good…
Denny’s have good pancakes
Applebee’s have good wings and combos
and Chili’s, those FREE chips, soup and the food good!
So chili’s.
Aw man they all good…
Denny’s have good pancakes
Applebee’s have good wings and combos
and Chili’s, those FREE chips, soup and the food good!
So chili’s.


Goodbye guys ;)
I don’t have a crush on her but I would love to hug Twilight for sure. She’s my fav ^o^ ^-^
I don’t have a crush on her but I would love to hug Twilight for sure. She’s my fav ^o^ ^-^

Princess Celestia 
Crush on, none. Hug? Just whoever needs it, really.
Crush on, none. Hug? Just whoever needs it, really.


OC maker
Who on here knew that holding shift with the enter key on PC would let you go to the next line on Facebook comments and Discord? I knew this trick for a long time being on both Facebook and Discord.


Goodbye guys ;)
Who on here knew that holding shift with the enter key on PC would let you go to the next line on Facebook comments and Discord? I knew this trick for a long time being on both Facebook and Discord.
I didn’t but that’s good to know. Thx :)


One of the most underrated anime of all time. Rune Soldier too, and Slayers.
One of the most underrated anime of all time. Rune Soldier too, and Slayers.


TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
With all the rebootmania hitting shows these days I would like to see a modern take on lodoss.
With all the rebootmania hitting shows these days I would like to see a modern take on lodoss.

French Taunter
Big O, goddamn awesome mecha anime that isn’t very well known. The second season went to shit because of Cartoon Network meddling and the ending is a travesty, but the first season is worth a watch!

Big O, goddamn awesome mecha anime that isn’t very well known. The second season went to shit because of Cartoon Network meddling and the ending is a travesty, but the first season is worth a watch!


#293 Fox
What games are you currently playing or shows are you currently watching?
A number between 0 and 334 plz


TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
Assuming you aren’t counting D&D as a boardgame, Zombicide 2e campaign game scheduled for Saturday.
Assuming you aren’t counting D&D as a boardgame, Zombicide 2e campaign game scheduled for Saturday.
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