“Look how big this place it! I bet it goes on for ever and ever and ever and ever! Do you all live here? Did you make this place yourself? I mean, all of you not just you though silly! hehe! Hey why did you bring me here? Did you need help with a party?! I’m good with parties. With a place this big we could have a HUGE part! Oh, but what do you guys eat? Happiness? Because I don’t know how I’m supposed…mean I could get some hay fries, and some sodas…and some balloons too! I think green and blue will be the best ones to use, they match your eyes! Hey, how do you fly with holes in your wings?”
Twlilight: Hey! defensive stance What are you doing here still!
Changeling: Are you crazy? I’m not going back to that buzzbrain. She will probably blame me for letting you all get close to her even thought I was not told to do anything. I’m not going back there. Pls hide me. supersadsorrygonnaalmostcrybutsmilinganyway.gif face
Twilight: Show me the location of the hive, and I’ll see if Pinkie can help you out.
Changeling: Are you crazy? I’m not going back to that buzzbrain. She will probably blame me for letting you all get close to her even thought I was not told to do anything. I’m not going back there. Pls hide me. supersadsorrygonnaalmostcrybutsmilinganyway.gif face