Turquoise has a cutie mark that is about caring and breeding dragons. also studying bout them.
She sometimes protects the forest when some precious creature brood an egg.
that pic what i explain above words. :) i love my OC, cause that is me and what i want to be.
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저는 용돌보미 큐티마크를 가지고 있는 캔틀롯에 살고 있는 포니예요.여러분이 아시다시피 트와일라잇 공주님께는 조수로 스파이크 작은 용이 있지만,저와 함께 하는 옆에 커다란 용은 민티 브레스 Minty Breathe 라고제 분신과도 같은 존재랍니다.절름발이인 저를 도와주고 저 역시 민티를 도와주죠.
I am a pony living in Cantlot with a caring mark.As you know, Princess Twilight is a tiny little dragon with a spike,The next big dragon with me is Minty BreatheIt’s like my ex-wife.I help him who is lame and I help him.