The curtain rip open letting in the morning light - her butler or sorts standing at the window “ Markus…” she whimpers shielding her eyes with her wings “ the pony name Markus turns a smile spread across his face “ Morning Princess Blush. A beautiful morning. It snowed last night. “ Groggerly she roll out of bed. “ It always snowing here Markus “ The pregnant alicorn trots lazily to the window still rubbing the sleep from her eye with her wing. Yes but its fresh and pure and the sun is out, which is a change dont you agree. The princess grumbles at him and sulks back towards her warm plush bed. Now, dont be naughty. The Academy is letting the foals out for the day. It will be a good chance to get acquainted with the new foals. Slowly following her woddaling bulk. Besides you get back in that bed, and I will tell the head Chief you snuck in and got a cake. The alicorn shivers at the mention of the chief. The only pony that makes her feel like a school filly being punished. Stammpering Y-Y-You wouldnt. pushing out her lower lip. You know certainly well I would, now get yourself cleaned up. Your cloak and leggings are on the chair. Ill meet you outside Princess. Flapping her wings and stamping her front hooves she pouts at him as he leaves. Sighing she folds her wings back up laying them against her laden belly. A few of them just started to wake up, making her nicker softly to her awakening and moving foals. Smiling she head to her bathroom.
Hopping on three of her legs, her belly rolling up and forward with each hop, making the her poor nether pulse and her gorged milk filled udders pat against her tighten belly, she tugs on the last of her leggings with her magic, stretching the fabric over her well purposed thighs. She sighs a breath of relief as she finally gets to a proper place. Slipping into her regalia foreshoes she finally leaves her bedroom entering her pallor, snagging a hay roll along the way. Opening her chambered door munching on the roll Markus is standing beside two of her guards, which both bow. Walking to one she puts her head under the stallions chin and rubs up. Morning sweetie. The stallion clears his throat. Morning Princess Oh come now you cant call me mom, or mother? The stallion lightly blushes as the other smiles Heck B.B. if the Princess was my mother I wouldnt hesitate to proclaim her maternal right to me. Nudging the Princesss son. The Princess giggles licking her sons cheek, before Markus clears his throat. Sticking her tongue out at him she trots off, followed by Markus. Out of ear shot, That guy still gives me the creepsI dont know how your mother puts up with him. The son shrugs.
The walls have fallen! Get em! a volley of snowballs launches into the air as fillies and colts scatter from the tumbling snow fort. A unicorn puts his hoof on his comrade wings. No I got this one squinting he levitates a snowball before sending it on a b-line. The launched snowball zips past a couple earth ponies rolling in the snow, and barely misses a wing tip of hover pegasi, but it finds its mark. The snowball splatters on the back of the retreating earth pony colt, sending hooves first into the fresh deep snow. HAH! Got the new foal. Did you see th- Dude, look! the pegasus interrupts his sniper.
I heard somewhere that horse bellies expand sideways during pregnancy rather than to the front.
I’ve learned more about horses in this fandom than I ever wanted to know.
Also, if one were to consider multiples, it could be due to fetus arrangement.
Right sorry the prior post was me
the angle was pretty wonky, I was reserve about her belly. But the sideways point is valid. She does have a downward but the bulk of her foal is to the sides. < This is proper A mare pregnant belly can swell outward >
To wide? I thought it was to small. It is Naughty Blush
it’s not that it’s too wide, so much that gravity seems to be pushing it sideways instead of downwards.