But you can feel. and what you feel is beyond anything you’ve ever felt before. Like ever cell in your body that’s making contact with him is being given its own individual caress
Something tight, conforming, and melty all over everything. You’d begin to lose sense of structure and self in the areas it was in for awhile, almost as if it melted away yet you retain feeling.
You could almost feel what he was feeling, the breeze in the room across your “back”, the mane on your head, the taste of apples in your mouth.
Your head slowly inclines, looking down onto your body, and what you see sends sheer joy and terror all at once.
Big Macs body was enveloping you, crawling down the sides of your chest and belly, completely around your legs, pulling them up into his own.
Suddenly the ground was gone, and you were airborn, the last bits of your body being pulled up inside of him. Big mac takes his hoove and hurries things along, pressing you inside of him.
As your head descends into his mass, everything becomes completely black. Within moments the loss of self feeling overtakes you, and nothing is left of your older self…”
-excerpt from the Big Mac merger/absorption TF story that was written by my beloved pony retardfabio :3