“In the magical land of Equestria, following the hundred year war, two regal sisters lead a coregency which created harmony for all the land. As a part of this, they shared using their unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn and bring out the moon to begin the night. Also, the two sisters co-led a global unification, maintaining balance for their kingdom and all the different species of the planet Equus. Among the coregency was their parents, chosen by prior regal sisters to to be their successors. Their children, interpretations of ideals they seek. Their cousins, heirs to the throne of a northern empire. In-laws, some carrying past burdens. And a group of friends, whose bond remains strong. Leaders of the past are not far away, guiding them in times of need. Among the unification, six groups harness the most powerful magic known throughout the world: The Elements of Harmony! Using the magic of The Elements of Harmony, they had banded together to defeat a great evil and banished him permanently in Tartarus. This unification has taken responsibility for everything and everyone and harmony has been maintained across Equus for generations since.”