what if RD never performed the rainboom and the main 6 never became friends? (i know this has been done a million times, but this is my take on it)
AJ- Applejack stayed in Manehattan and learned how to be a “true Manehattanite”, leaving her family behind.
RD- Rainbow Dash got despressed after her first loss, and against the bullies at that. All the colors drained from her rainbow mane and she adopted the name “Rainbow Crash”
Twilight: after failing her entrance exam for Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns, she went into science and is very strict about doing everything perfectly.
Rarity: Rarity went to work at a theater infamous for its boring costume design. She made dresses and such, but they were still not “flashy” enough for everypony.
Fluttershy: Fluttershy was devastated by the fact that RD lost the race, and the bullies kept teasing them both. She became a very graceful flyer but never left cloudsdale, and never “discovered” the ground.
Pinkie Pie: Pinkie stayed working on the rock farm for the rest of her life, just a bored, dull pony. She got her cutie mark in rock farming, of course.