Both good and bad.
As the evening progressed the colt encountered and observed ponies interacting with each other in ways that her found interesting. He watched Applebloom’s big brother dancing with Miss Cheerilee who was AB’s school teacher. According to the filly the 2 had been seeing each other off and on after Applebloom and her CMC friends had attempted an ill-conceived plot to coerce them into a relationship during Hearts and Hooves Day. Instead it appeared that just leaving them alone had produced better results.
Concerning the CMC, Stone Mane watched an unusual exchange happen during a break while the band took a brief rest. Applebloom had wandered off leaving the colt by himself. AB’s 2 closest filly friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were attending the dance. Like Applebloom the fillies had outfits that had been made by Rarity herself.
Sweetie Belle was sitting on a hay bale cooling her heels and drinking a glass lemonade when the pegasus filly nervously trotted up to the unicorn. For a couple of seconds she said nothing. Finally she spoke up with a nervously.
“Heya Sweetie! Ssoooo. How you are enjoying the dance? Um, having a good time?”
The filly finished her glass of lemonade and looked at her friend. “Oh yeah! I love these dances, and dancing is fun!”
Scootaloo fidgeted and suddenly was very interested in examining the cuffs on her jacket. Stammering the filly pressed on with the conversation.
“Cool! Neat! Uh, sssoooo, um are you thinking of taking another spin out on the dance floor?”
“Yep!” Sweetie chirped.
Even in the low light Stone Mane could see Scootaloo’s face grow redder. The filly started rocking back and forth on her hooves. “Oh really!” Scoot exclaimed. “Um, uh, er, if you are going to do that would you, uh, um, canIbeyourdancepartner!” She blurted out quickly.
Sweetie blushed for a moment and then smiled. “Yes! yes you can.”
About this time band started preparing to resume playing Sweetie got up and the 2 fillies headed for the dance floor. Wondering where Applebloom had wandered off the colt rose and started searching for her.
Not finding the filly inside the barn Stone Mane wandered outside where many ponies were sitting around resting, eating more, or chatting with friends and neighbors. Failing to locate Applebloom here as well the colt was about to call out the filly’s name when a voice addressed him from behind.
“So! You’re Stone Mane. The colt that Applebloom can’t stop talking about. Huh. Based on how she been constantly babbling about you I was expecting something else.”
Spinning around Stone Mane found 2 fillies standing there looking at him. Both were earth ponies and both had an air of smug superiority. The pink lilac filly arched eyebrow. “Am I correct?”
“Um, yes. Yes I am. I’m Stone Mane, and you are…”
The pink one tossed her mane. “Diamond Tiara and this.” She tilted her toward the grey earth pony filly is. “Is my best friend Silver Spoon. I’m surprised you don’t already know who I am.” The filly smiled haughtily. “After all my family is one of the most important in Ponyville.”
“Oh! Well hello. So are you 2 also friends of Applebloom?”
Diamond Tiara snorted. “We’re not rrrreeeaaalllyy her friends, but we’re classmates of her’s.
“We’re neighbors of her.” Silver Spoon said.
“Sssoooo. How long have you known Applebloom.” DT asked. “And how much do you know about her? What has she told you about herself?”
The colt looked a bit taken back but answered. “Well, I know her big sister is the Element of Honesty. Her family is an important part of the Ponyville community. She’s Princess Luna’s personal student, and she can do stuff that other ponies can’t do in the Dream Realm.”
Silver Spoon scowled. “Has she ever told you that she got abducted to some freaky shadow world less than a year ago, and then she got possessed by some creepy creature from that world.”
The colt scowled at the filly. “Well yes. Princess Luna has told me a bit. So has Applebloom. I don’t know everything, but Luna says that Applebloom is all right now.”
Diamond Tiara chuckled. “And actually believe her? Really?”
“Why shouldn’t I?” Replied the colt.
“Duh! Isn’t it apparent.” Silver Spoon replied. “Luna once betrayed her sister, and she became a monster once herself. So it doesn’t take much to brains figure out that of course she would say something like that about Applebloom. You must’ve heard the saying. Birds of a feather flock together.”
Stone Mane was quickly learning to dislike these 2 fillies. “You got a lot of nerve saying something like this. Yeah Luna made a big mistake. Once. But she’s sorry about it and is trying to redeem herself. Her sister has forgiven and she trusts her now, so why shouldn’t I?”
Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes and sighed. “Look we’re just trying to give you fair warning. If you don’t want to listen to our warnings then we can’t do anything else to help you. If you want to hang out some family of freaky noponies. Well, that’s your problem.”
Anger began to boil in the colt. Stomping a front hoof he growled at the fillies. He look Diamond Tiara in the eyes. “Do you know why I met Princess Luna and Applebloom?”
Too bad the description (even the original) contains broken images. You can see the image numbers, but I don’t know how to find the actual images on DA using them.Edited