I’ve tried to spread the contacts to get it working, but ultimately ended up ordering from a different supplier. Not really better quality but at least those work fine out of the box.
(By the way, while it is wacky and out-of-spec, the Atmega328 runs perfectly fine on 3.3V and 16Mhz at “normal” temperatures. No level converting required!)
glad to hear about your success. The LCD I have was also unreliable when I got it, the contacts between the LCD panel and the PCB is done with some springs, you have to spread them a bit to get a better contact.
Super happy to report that i was able to do it, thank you for teaching me!
(The three displays i ordered are all DOA or unreliable in some way, but this absolutely will result in a tiny desk derpy once i have a properly working LCD. Will post a GIF when done!)
but there was successful attempts to use serial devices though LPT port in the past (like DirectPad driver for using a PS1 gamepad with PC), maybe there’s some other reasons it won’t work though
According to the data sheet for the display, no, not directly. An LPT port provides an 8-bit parallel interface; the controller IC used in most of these Nokia 5510 display boards uses serial communication. It’d be far easier to interface USB -> µC -> PCD8544 (controller IC for the Nokia 5510 LCD), hence why it’s common to use an Arduino board to do this.
The LCD controller itself communicates with the outside world via two pins: serial clock and serial input (data), but there are inputs for reset, chip select, mode select, etc. to deal with as well, making a µC an even more attractive interfacing option.
I cropped, resized, converted to black and white and rotated the 10 pictures of a wing animation cycle on Gimp, then converted the tiny pictures to data using LCDAssistant.
On the micro-controller side, I used Nokia_5110_LCD_library-2.6.2 and modified the example sketch to cycle the 10 pictures.
The program takes 5884 bytes, so you have plenty of memory left on the Atmega328.
I ordered a 128x64 pixels LCD (the 5110 is only 84x48 pixels) for a project, so I may play a bit with it too.
Never had this.
I had the original 3310.
Built like, shaped like, and in a pinch could do for, a brick. I was always tempted by the flashy LED faceplates from the mall kiosks but managed not to succumb.
(By the way, while it is wacky and out-of-spec, the Atmega328 runs perfectly fine on 3.3V and 16Mhz at “normal” temperatures. No level converting required!)
glad to hear about your success. The LCD I have was also unreliable when I got it, the contacts between the LCD panel and the PCB is done with some springs, you have to spread them a bit to get a better contact.
According to the data sheet for the display, no, not directly. An LPT port provides an 8-bit parallel interface; the controller IC used in most of these Nokia 5510 display boards uses serial communication. It’d be far easier to interface USB -> µC -> PCD8544 (controller IC for the Nokia 5510 LCD), hence why it’s common to use an Arduino board to do this.
I cropped, resized, converted to black and white and rotated the 10 pictures of a wing animation cycle on Gimp, then converted the tiny pictures to data using LCDAssistant.
On the micro-controller side, I used Nokia_5110_LCD_library-2.6.2 and modified the example sketch to cycle the 10 pictures.
The program takes 5884 bytes, so you have plenty of memory left on the Atmega328.
I ordered a 128x64 pixels LCD (the 5110 is only 84x48 pixels) for a project, so I may play a bit with it too.
I had the original 3310.
Built like, shaped like, and in a pinch could do for, a brick. I was always tempted by the flashy LED faceplates from the mall kiosks but managed not to succumb.
May i ask how you accomplished this? Does all that data fit on a stand-alone ATmega328p?