Ending off with a bang!… just kidding, this drawing kinda sucks. I like the rougher lines, but the colors and shading are just really ugly imo. Twilights face, again, leaves something to be desired; I shouldve given her thicker eyeliner. 3/10 https://t.co/xZYY7B1h6l
I think they were just doing a copypasta
This is called an OPINION.
It is different from the truth.
This line wasn’t in the show.
Pick one.
Nice copypasta
Edited because: Fixed a typo
You don’t get it. She didn’t take magic at all. Twilight just linked magic to the crystals. Don’t act like she was evil. The only magic she took was Opaline’s and she didn’t even take it all. Opaline still had magic but it was so little that she wouldn’t hurt others ever again. Of course, Opaline wants to get her full magic again and will need dragon fire to get it. She is a fire alicorn after all. The thing is, how do you stop an immortal being such as herself?

your current filter.Being Princess probably had something to do with it.