Nicknames : Darling (Her Parents), Sis|A (Her Siblings), Anna (Flame), Princess|Annie (Others)
Parents : Celestia (Mother), Discord (Father)
Sibling : Roselia (Step Sister), Lisanna (Step Sister)
Birthday: January 18th
Occupation : Princess of the sun
Species : Half pegasus half chaotic-creature
Gender : Female
Place of Birth: Canterlot’s hospital
Place of Residence: Canterlot’s Castle
Relationship : Emerald Flame (Boyfriend)
Personality : Shy, kind and gentle, A cute princess try hard for her people. One of oldest princesses (NG) but short and kinda young because of chaos inside her. Like cakes, cookies, paper works, the night, singing and dancing. Hate wet, jumpscares, scary stories and coffee. Lisa always tell A to sleep early but she doesn’t like that.