The monster scuttles up the stairs, and upon reaching the top darts forward frightening quick, reaching it’s long arms out and pawing at the air with it’s jagged boney claws.
She doesn’t shake, she can’t look away. She only watches as it closes the gap, and right as the claws reach the tip of the gun she fires straight into the skull. The entire creature clatters backwards, it’s disparate bones flying in a cone, and a few of the spare vertebrae clacking down the stairs.
Mulberry exhales loudly, and doubling over for a second. She hadn’t even realized she had been holding her breath. The mare steps forward, and then realizes her gun is unloaded. With a shaky hoof she reloads and then points the gun down at the skull. Examining it closer, even the bullet wasn’t enough to shatter the skull completely. Shards of the projectile impacted on the now useless indentations that made up the runes. The gun made large, cracked fissure that goes several inches above and below the impact point. Oddly enough, there is no trace of the flesh or eyes.