Name: Ichiro Makoto
Nicknames: Ichiro, Lord (other demons)
Birthday: ???
Age: Approximately 1,000 (immortal)
Specie: Demonpony
Gender: Male
Personality: Sadistic, Manipulator
Demon Form: Bloodthirsty, Demonic, Cannibal
Mother: ???
Father: ???
Siblings: (none)
Aunts: (none)
Uncle: (none)
Cousins: (none)
Grandmothers: ???
Grandfathers: ???
Offspring: Hiro Elios (Son)
Friends: (none)
Relationship Status: Crushing on Blair Konomi
Relationship: Blair Konomi (Crush and Enemy)
Occupation: Demon Lord
Currently Living in: Tokyo
Place of birth: ???
Like: Blood, Night
Dislikes: Day
Enemies: Warren Ace (all other ponies)
Toshihiko Seki (Japanese, Muzan’s Voice)
George Newbern (English, Sephiroth’s Voice)
Cutie Mark: