Or petrified them into dark crystal statues and then shattered them to death just like what he did to Princess Amore 1,000 years ago?
He is. Villain ball is a version of idiot ball for villains. Here he grabbed it firmly and pretty much rolled with it for the rest of an episode…
I have the theory that he was actually a clone of King Sombra and was also being controlled by Discord (disguised as Grogar), which would explain why his voice was not the same as season 3.
Or petrified them into dark crystal statues and then shattered them to death just like what he did to Princess Amore 1,000 years ago?
Yeah I mean “no point?”
He literally should know by now that they can still be a threat, he should’ve killed Twilight and her friends when he had the chance.
He is. Villain ball is a version of idiot ball for villains. Here he grabbed it firmly and pretty much rolled with it for the rest of an episode…
What? He is a villain.