Gallus: You’re just jealous we can pull stupider faces than you can.
Smolder: You’ve got me there. You can definitely pull stupider faces.
Sandbar: I think she got you there G! Also, Mudhorse?
Yona: Earth is ground. ground is mud. Mudhorse! Makes sense to Yona
Sandbar: Not you too. Also I’m a Pony. Not a Horse!
Ocellus: *giggles* They’re behaving so sileeeugh-? Siilluurseeem! *flails*
Silverstream: *cackles* Look at the weird face I’m making Ocellus pull! Smiiiiiiiiiiiiile!
How is it that you didn’t you see this:
when it was immediately below Ocellus’s line in the description?
Fricking Genius!
Unedited, she’s saying “they’re behaving so silly-! Silverstream!”
I think Silver just stuck her claws in Ocellus’ mouth and forced her to make weird faces.
Her lines in their chat have me VERY concerned