Soooo, I think you will guess the origin of this concept. The place where these… powers dwell we know as realm of dreams, which seems to be actually a realm, from where Luna’s inner demon tried to escape into reality and where, I suppose, Twilight was alicornized. The second thing is that they more ideas than true gods with names, biographies and other stuff. And this is where they are similar to what we know: things like Tree of Harmony and Crystal Heart took their form just because of their nature, while our evil - as I said - can’t.
Greed is best known for the print, which she put on such races as the diamond dogs, griffins and especially dragons. This deity embodies the desire to accumulate power and material values, believing them to be an end in itself and making deals with both merchants and robbers. She always demands a huge price for her help and, as strange as it may sound, announces it openly to ensure the possession of the soul of a mad who agrees to such a contract.
In addition, all over the world there are legends about the cursed treasures of various kinds. Some of them are strictly guarded by loyal servants of Greed, who take all comers, sometimes just killing, and sometimes turning into their own kind. In other cases, the curse is much more sophisticated and turns into a slave of the treasure those who consider themselves its owners, forcing them to nourish the force that has found refuge in gold, raising her body and feeding an evil spirit from their own souls.