“Mares and gentlecolts!” she heard dimly through her candied prison from a decidedly more excited voice than the one that had been on the intercom earlier. “The Manoir de Chevalin is proud to present Equestria’s most delectable statue, made with the help of our Guests of Honor: Les Amateurs de Chocolat!”
Rest of the story here (EDIT: dead link, sorry) not anymore
Great news! And description updated. Thanks!
I appreciate it! I thought it was lost as things do with time.
Actually, scrap that. Talked with the artist and it turned out they’d saved a copy, which I’ve also now mirrored to my drive. New link, hopefully works:
Sorry guys. Searched all my accounts’ Google Drives, Google Docs, all old cellphones I have to hand (I used to write in the notes app when I first started out, then transfer to GDocs), and even my old DA that I deactivated which I could log into but not access the profile of. It seems gone in all measures.
I dunno what happened. I never intentionally delete any of my stories, so I don’t know how this happened.
Sorry about that. I crossed it out, since the “dead link in description” tag I added after the previous comment wasn’t conspicuous enough.