Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Joseph Raszagal on image #835467

Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
Plus, going a bit further down that track, we've actually seen anger as magical fuel too, though in Starlight's case only in the form of it being bottled up. If she willingly chose to rely on that emotion to fuel her magic _*all the time_*, well, the results could be pretty crazy.

I rather like the idea that the emotion you focus on while casting magic influences you as the caster, like jealousy for Luna when she became Nightmare Moon. With that in mind, emotions like grief, fear, and hatred could be downright disastrous.
No reason given
Edited by Joseph Raszagal
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
Plus, going a bit further down that track, we've actually seen anger as magical fuel too, though in Starlight's case only in the form of it being bottled up. If she willing chose to rely on that emotion to fuel her magic _all the time_, well, the results could be pretty crazy.

I rather like the idea that the emotion you focus on while casting magic influences you as the caster, like jealousy for Luna when she became Nightmare Moon. With that in mind, emotions like grief, fear, and hatred could be downright disastrous.
No reason given
Edited by Joseph Raszagal