Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Ba'al Pungo on image #666930

Ba'al Pungo

Queen Chrysalis and I were sharing a totally-not-at-all-nonconensual-nor-subtmagically-horrifyingduced romantic moment out on a gazebo, probably made out of the same stuff her hive's made of, when Mr.Cake pokes his head out of the nearby bushes and shouts thusly:
"Before you can help a friend on drugs, you must understand that drugs alter the way the brain functions!"a
nd with that, he slowly slinks his way into the shrubbery, staring at us suspiciously the whole way back.

Well... That was odd... but that certainly ruined the already odd moment... or did that improve the moment?
No reason given
Edited by Ba'al Pungo
Ba'al Pungo

Queen Chrysalis and I were sharing a totally-not-at-all-nonconensual-nor-subtly-horrifying romantic moment out on a gazebo, probably made out of the same stuff her hive's made of, when Mr.Cake pokes his head out of the nearby bushes and shouts thusly:"Before you can help a friend on drugs, you must understand that drugs alter the way the brain functions!"and with that, he slowly slinks his way into the shrubbery, staring at us the whole way back.

Well... That was odd...
No reason given
Edited by Ba'al Pungo