In one world, there was never a Pinkie Pie. Only Pinkamena, a strange girl who used to have strange dreams about growing gigantic and eating the whole universe. And when she obtained seemingly infinite power through a miraculous deus ex machina, she knew exactly what her first course would be. Pinkamena started by getting a taste of her own planet, its sun and moon, and then moved up onto the rest of space. The delicious sensation was indescribable in mortal words, and Pinkamena knew she had to have more.
With each cosmic body she sent down her gullet, her own body grew bigger. Soon, Pinkamena’s belly was bloated with dozens of planets and stars devoured by her. Some of them held sentient life, but the pink giantess found that only made them taste better. Though she could easily remove the excess fat from her belly, she enjoyed how full it made her feel. She rubbed her belly in satisfaction, feeling the trillions of souls now hopelessly trapped inside her. With giddiness, Pinkamena watched as her body was now big enough to develop its own gravitational pull: even more planets and stars were now being pulled to her body and their doom, their inhabitants helpless to do anything but pray to the Goddess that wasn’t going to listen.
But even that would only be a small fraction of the meal ahead of her. With her newfound omniscient perception, Pinkamena could sense there were far, far more galaxies still waiting to be devoured. She was only going to bloat her belly even more, to get even bigger, until she had consumed everything there was. Until Pinkamena was everything there was.
And after she had completely eaten this universe, who knows what she would do? Maybe she would restore it back and repeat the process - or maybe she would move on to another universe and eat that one, too. And the one after that, and the one after that… When everything is food, you never run out of things to eat in an infinite multiverse. But for now, Pinkamena still had her first universe to devour, and she was far too happy to chew away at that goal…