Twiny Dust
NLR's Bodyguard
Again thank you for the loving praise!
And all I did was just use a screenshot of that teal colored female royal guard who name escapes me right now.
Lol as adorable as that sounds, don't let Eclipse know Bashful requested that. She'll get really angry and completely embarrassed but still angry. Lol
Yeah a cool thing about her having a black coat is that it contrasts is very well with the golden armor. This was one of the reasons I went with that color scheme. If you compare the two different armored Eclipse art side by side, you can see it makes your coat look darker than it is in this one.
Again thank you for the loving praise!
And all I did was just use a screenshot of that teal colored female royal guard who name escapes me right now.
Lol as adorable as that sounds, don't let Eclipse know Bashful requested that. She'll get really angry and completely embarrassed but still angry. Lol
Yeah a cool thing about her having a black coat is that it contrasts is very well with the golden armor. This was one of the reasons I went with that color scheme. If you compare the two different armored Eclipse art side by side, you can see it makes your coat look darker than it is in this one.