Viewing last 25 versions of comment by SunHope on image #306972


...but her hairstyle looks exactly like it is from G3.5 and not G3, you know. This famous 'chibi-style', that's when the ponies had unique haristyles. G3 has more or less the standart one for all the characters.
Maybe that's the element G4 adopted... it's possiblye it came from G3.5
So, I suppose the picture was tagged wrong?
No reason given
Edited by SunHope

...but her hairstyle looks exactly like it is from G3.5 and not G3, you know. This famous 'chibi-style', that's when the ponies had unique haristyles. G3 has more or less the standart one for all the characters.
Maybe that's the element G4 adopted... it's possibly it came from G3.5
So, I suppose the picture was tagged wrong?
No reason given
Edited by SunHope

...but her hairstyle looks exactly like it is from G3.5 and not G3, you know. This famous 'chibi-style', that's when the ponies had unique haristyles. G3 has more or less the standart one for all the characters.
Maybe that's the element G4 adopted... it's possibly it came from G3.5
No reason given
Edited by SunHope

...but her hairstyle looks exactly like it is from G3.5 and not G3, you know. This famous 'chibi-style', that's when the ponies had unique haristyles. G3 has more or less the standart one for all the characters. Maybe that's the element G4 adopted... it's possibly it came from G3.5
No reason given
Edited by SunHope