Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #62B3 on image #2959475

Background Pony #62B3
Does this look a TON like Ai stuff to anyone else? It hits the checkboxes
- Nonsensical shading (Look at thecurve on the tail, it just has a fragment of a corner lit unnaturally, as well as weird patches curving around the linework on the cheek in particular, but popping up all over the face) as well as a complete lack of sensical highlights, which his other work has
- Droopy linework which is fairly different from the artist's other stuff (Other things have sharp corners and slime lines shooting off)
- Weirdass blob shape (Old pic has an earring, but it's defined there, here it's just one of those blobs AIs put on things)
- the whole dealio going on with the beak, more "light" curving around the lines and the artist's other work doesn't have distinct, unconnected surfaces merge together without linework separating them like that)
- Tail honestly looks like a smoothed jpg
- Pupil does the weird lighting thing too, but in a slightly different way
- The beak is just... what? Why is it uncentered, why does it merge with with the face with a sudden green tone that doesn't exist anywhere else, why is there a rhomboid shape on the left side, why is there a ghost condom ululating above the tongue. Very little of this is potential human error.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #62B3
Background Pony #62B3
Does this look a TON like Ai stuff to anyone else? It hits the checkboxes
- Nonsensical shading (Look at thecurve on the tail, it just has a fragment of a corner lit unnaturally, as well as weird patches curving around the linework on the cheek in particular, but popping up all over the face) as well as a complete lack of sensical highlights, which his other work has
- Droopy linework which is fairly different from the artist's other stuff (Other things have sharp corners and slime lines shooting off)
- Weirdass blob shape (Old pic has an earring, but it's defined there, here it's just one of those blobs AIs put on things)
- the whole dealio going on with the beak, more "light" curving around the lines and the artist's other work doesn't have distinct, unconnected surfaces merge together without linework separating them like that)
- Tail honestly looks like a smoothed jpg
- Pupil does the weird lighting thing too, but in a slightly different way
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #62B3