Gnot Even [@Stellarator](/images/2914043#comment_10186627)
> Over on Twitter I've been mulling over and discussing things like whether giving the CMC a cameo would be too much cast creep or not. XD
Could be fun - I can imagine their reactions to some Sonata idea like "lets see if Smoothie can do all three of you in one session" (Sweetie Belle: "yeah! lets!", Appleboom: "um, ah don't know that that's such a good idea", Scoots (thinking): "I wanna but I don't know if I can").
In general terms, tho, I can see where the cost (i.e. character creation effort) of doing cameos is an issue. You'd almost want to bring Trixie's ex back for something, just to get more payoff for the work of creating him. I was thinking that a while back when you said it's hard to think of new ways to pose the characters for sex - you could just pose them the same old way in a new location - but then I realized that "new location" is a lot of work. Which is a pity, because it could be fun to see them at the beach, or going out for ice cream, or flying a kite (all as a lead-in to sexy times, of course).
Reason: punctuation, dammit