Viewing last 25 versions of comment by chubbyninja89 on image #2911846

Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

[@Background Pony \#6A8C](/images/2911846#comment_10179176)
[@Background Pony \#4B8C](/images/2911846#comment_10180017)
[@Background Pony \#7ED3](/images/2911846#comment_10181062)

All of you guys are wrong to an extent.

You're not a crappy person just because you can't do everything or because you have flaws, and under most circumstances, most of us have the ability to be better than we are without faking it. You CAN do more than what you are currently doing, you CAN be better, but you HAVE to CHOOSE to.

And being a better person doesn't revolve around having more money or material things, but choosing to do good by others, even if it's not the the popular thing.

The bottom line is, that you CAN CHOOSE to better than you are in most cases, so you shouldn't let yourself be held back by what others may say or think. If you want to truly be better, you MUST make the effort to do so.
No reason given
Edited by chubbyninja89
Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

[@Background Pony \#6A8C](/images/2911846#comment_10179176)
[@Background Pony \#4B8C](/images/2911846#comment_10180017)
[@Background Pony \#7ED3](/images/2911846#comment_10181062)

All of you guys are wrong to an extent.

You're not a crappy person just because you can't do everything or because you have flaws, and under most circumstances, most of us have the ability to be better than youwe are without faking it. You CAN do more than what you are currently doing, you CAN be better, but you HAVE to CHOOSE to.

And being a better person doesn't revolve around having more money or material things, but choosing to do good by others, even if it's the the popular thing.

The bottom line is, that you CAN CHOOSE to better than you are in most cases, so you shouldn't let yourself be held back by what others may say or think. If you want to truly be better, you MUST make the effort to do so.
No reason given
Edited by chubbyninja89