Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Fuedra on image #2646926


"[@Shimmering Spectacle":](/images/2646926#comment_9706537
K, still worried though, wouldn't be the first show to retaicon something.

That or they will add something along the lines of it having been rebuilt.
No reason given
Edited by Fuedra

"@Shimmering Spectacle":/images/2646926#comment_9706537
K, still worried though, wouldn't be the first show to retain something.

That or they will add something along the lines of it having been rebuilt.
No reason given
Edited by Fuedra

"@Shimmering Spectacle":/images/2646926#comment_9706537
K, still worried though, wouldn't be the first show to retain something.

That or the will add something along the lines of it having been rebuilt.
No reason given
Edited by Fuedra