CronoM "[@Shimmering Spectacle":](/images/2643330#comment_9697340
A few big problems with those ideas.
For one thing, (less importantly), its never really explained the dynamics of the time travel spell, whether Twi getting caught in the ride meant her alternate self wouldn't have a place in the new timeline. Twilight's existence in the New timelines is basically non-existant, although I can't remember if there was a throwaway line for her alternate self.
Second, and more importantly, your making some very odd assumptions that Pony Twilight would somehow become a Nightmare without Celestia....despite none of the catalysts like the insta-corrupt amulet made from pre-existing elements or Crystal Prep ideology to peer pressure her.
Simply put, it would not. Sci-Twi's first movie and her transformation hinged on the Humane 6 already awakening as elements due to Pony Twi and Sunset's dimensional interference in the first EG movie. She was overcharged with most of the elements before awakening as one herself, a reoccurring theme in the EG movies.
Sans Celestia, Pony Twilight was still in an environment where she made at least one friend and a few acquaintances. In terms of research, Twi and Moondancer were already prodigies. It was her progressively worsening obsession with pleasing Celestia that caused her to ignore Moondancer later in life.
Sci-twi's initial school on the other hand had no peers and created a social barrier between herself and the more average students, despite Sci-Twi growing up with less antisocial behavior then Pony Twi had thanks to never developing a brown nosing, over dependent complex with Princess Celestia.
At worst, Sci-Twi was a little more introverted, but even taking that into account, its no contest who was more earnest. Sci-Twi welcomed friendship when it came her way. And naturally, with no ulterior motive to make reports to Celestia.