Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Runic Script on image #2599383

Runic Script
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

"[@Background Pony #7C96":](/images/2599383#comment_9607463
That's how it is in real life but I still think it's a stupid distinction to make in art. Hypnosis in cartoons works differently and is still very much designated as hypnosis when it involves swirls or pocket watches. By the same logic you'd have to re-tag screencaps and pictures of anime characters or even a surprised Pinkie Pie with "flying" or "levitation" because actual people and ponies can't jump that high. Or classify her gyrocopter as "magic" rather than a machine because it shouldn't be able to fly.
At the very least if the original artist labels it as hypnosis, you should be able to find it under hypnosis. But iIf that rule was actually fully enforced you'd have maybe two dozen pictures left under the tag.
No reason given
Edited by Runic Script
Runic Script
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

"@Background Pony #7C96":/images/2599383#comment_9607463
That's how it is in real life but I still think it's a stupid distinction to make in art. Hypnosis in cartoons works differently and is still very much designated as hypnosis when it involves swirls or pocket watches. By the same logic you'd have to re-tag screencaps and pictures of anime characters or even a surprised Pinkie Pie with "flying" or "levitation" because actual people and ponies can't jump that high. Or classify her gyrocopter as "magic" rather than a machine because it shouldn't be able to fly.
At the very least if the original artist labels it as hypnosis, you should be able to find it under hypnosis. But if that rule was actually enforced you'd have maybe two dozen pictures left under the tag.
No reason given
Edited by Runic Script