Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #907F on image #2582296

Background Pony #907F
"[@Background Pony #525E":](/images/2582296#comment_9598226
Didn't see anyone have a big deal with Spike's wings outside of him somehow being able to out maneuver an adult giant hawk at flying when he had never flown before. All it meant for Spike was that he could flying. Twilight getting wings meant she was royalty/an alicorn now, which meant she was (to many) a full on Mary Sue, she became less relatable (to many), it implied heavily she'd basically lose a bunch of time with her friends (which came true) and means as an alicorn she'll watch them all die.

There's other points too and while I don't agree with most of them, I agree with some and can see where they're coming from.

Neither of them needed wings, but Twilight's life was changed when she got hers.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #907F
Background Pony #907F
"@Background Pony #525E":/images/2582296#comment_9598226
Didn't see anyone have a big deal with Spike's wings outside of him somehow being able to out maneuver an adult giant hawk at flying when he had never flown before. All it meant for Spike was that he could flying. Twilight getting wings meant she was royalty now, which meant she was (to many) a full on Mary Sue, she became less relatable (to many), it implied heavily she'd basically lose a bunch of time with her friends (which came true) and means as an alicorn she'll watch them all die.

There's other points too and while I don't agree with most of them, I agree with some and can see where they're coming from.

Neither of them needed wings, but Twilight's life was changed when she got hers.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #907F