Nice to hear that Lulu now has a cheaper color option. At this price, I will definitely buy the color version. When I will eventually own the new Looking Glass Book, I can probably compare the quality of different Lulu color options myself. A few months ago I made a printed one copy of the "[Tails of Fallout Equestria":](https://www.deviantart.com/cazra/art/Tails-of-Fallout-Equestria-PDF-822909630) by cazra. Though this book is probably not comparable (it is like a photobook), perhaps I can still compare the quality of the pictures. I chose: US Letter (216 x 279 mm), Premium Color, 80# White, Hardcover, Glossy Cover. :D
By the way, how many pictures are you planning to use?
Ministry of Image is printing books that have a high likelihood to make them a profit. And you get probably the best changes from the legends.
By publishing the books yourself you are also freer in how they finally turn out. So Lulu is probably the best option, but sadly a tragedy like iisaw’s could also happen to you. Let’s hope that this does not get repeated.